Archive | March, 2011

awesome people

31 Mar

Howdy, friend

30 Mar

I know I haven’t written in some time now. Yeesh, I’m bad like that. I can’t stick to something for a long time, I get tired. And besides, it’s not like my life is that exciting.

What I can tell you is that the evenings here on I will be occupied with finishing a project for school. We have something that we call projektarbete in school (project work). The class goes on for about one and a half year and you have to take a lot of responsibility yourself. And you get to choose what to do yourself. Some people start a little business, UF (ungt företangade = young business enterprise), which is encouraged. I choose to do an essay about cults, and the psychology behind them. It’s really interesting!

The french exchange student is having a birthday party and the theme is cowboys and Indians. This is going to be awesome!

I can also tell you that I’ve started to read some comics. Deadpool and Teen Titans. I fucking love Deadpool! And Tim Drake! And I love Deadpool’s love for zombies. I also recently watched a movie called The Fall, which I highly recommend if you like beautiful movies. The scenography is freaking awesome! I’ve never seen a movie that was as beautiful as this one.


24 Mar

Some people are just ridiculous. They believe the world rotates around them and that everyone should think and feel the same way they do, and if they don’t, then they are wrong and stupid. You can’t even discuss things with them. Fucking hell.

Going to university

19 Mar

It’s time to grow up. I’m 18 but I never felt like my age, somehow I always felt younger than my friend and fellow 18 year olds. Can you relate? I don’t handle responsibility well, to be honest I fear it, and I fear being judged by others and I avoid conflicts and confrontations like it was a rabies infected werewolf. I probably won’t be able to function the way a normal adult human being should.  You may be asking what brought this deep analyzing of myself up. Well, I applied for university today. I have no idea if I chose the right courses or not. I would love if I got into psychology, but I will probably get into archeology or cognitive science. Not that I wouldn’t like that, but I don’t know if it’s right for me. Shit, university means a lot of responsibility and having to do a lot of stuff I really don’t want to. I panic at the thought of job interviews and I fear that I might not be able to make any new friends. I have to get an apartment, living alone for the first time in my life, pay the bills, get food, get a job, make friends, get through school and stuff. I have no idea what’s going to happen to me. I don’t even know if I will be able to do it, everything. I’m not ready to grow up. I don’t want to be forced to take responsibility. I’d like it to come slowly and over a period of time so that I can get used to it.  I just don’t know if  I can handle this, but I don’t want to give up and move back home. That would be the most humiliating thing to do. Shit.

I found my old diaries

10 Mar

and let me tell you something, I must not have had an exiting life as a child. One day I wrote one sentence – Daniel (my little brother) coughed today.

It’s a new day

10 Mar
D. P. Dearborn wearing a kepi

Image via Wikipedia

and I’m slightly drunk. Fuck you. No, sorry. I’m home, in my bed, after a lovely night out with some friends. Although I don’t think I’ve been much of a company tonight.  I’ve had a head ache most of the night, been tired (alcohol makes me tired) and generally not very social (as usually). But my friends are all awesome! I swear.


6 Mar

Finally! My cold has gotten better and we got something called sportlov (roughly translated to sports holiday), a week-long school holiday! On Tuesday it’s my dad’s birthday, and do you know what that means? CAKE! And on Wednesday me and my friends are going to party. I’m sure it’s going to be lovely, but I’m feeling extraordinary  anti-social right now.  And you know what? The temp is rising, the sun is shining and the snow is melting. Looks like it going towards spring time.

Fallout 3

1 Mar

So I did a couple Fallout 3 wallpapers. Enjoy!

Vault 101
Vault 101

Vault 92
Vault 92

Vault 106
Vault 106