Tag Archives: photos of me

7. Most recent picture in your camera/phone/etc.

25 Feb

Oh, look it’s me!

Happy New Year

1 Jan

My clock tells me the time is 01:41. The feeling of tiredness and the slight buzz from the tiny amount of alcohol in my body is making me feel quite contend with life, but I can’t stray too long from my pessimism, so I’ll say New year, new problems. The picture down below is of me (really, did I have to tell you that), just so you can see what kind of clothes I wore for New Years Eve. I’m going to tell you a little bit more tomorrow and posts some picture, but for now I think I hear my bed saying my name. (Please ignore my messy background.)


11 Dec

Went to the store today, and since it’s so darn cold here, I had to dress warm.

When I got home, we had taco for dinner. Awesome. And delicious. And dad showed my a blueberry squash (squash. Really, is it called squash in English? In Sweden we call it saft) which he bought and which has this old feeling to it (not the squash, the bottle design). And it has no additives. Awesome.

As a dessert, I made fruit salad to me and my parents. (Grapes, apples, kiwi, melon and bananas + vanilla sauce)

Also, I did my first facial mask today! A strange experience.

Lazy Friday

26 Nov

Still snowing and being freezing as hell. Just finished watching the new Misfits episode, watching some Fallout New Vegas game play on youtube and going to watch the new Supernatural, Community, Castle and Marlin episodes. Ah, I love being lazy on Fridays. Although, I do need to clean my room…

Picture of me