Tag Archives: music

Heaven Shall Burn – Combat

16 Feb

Topic: If stranded on a desert island…

27 Jan

If stranded on a desert island, and could only bring one music album with you, which would it be? What is it about this music that never gets old for you?

Well, either Young Machetes by The Blood Brothers or From Mars to Sirius by Gojira. I seriously cannot choose between these two albums.

I love Gojira, it’s one of my favourite bands ever.  I love their style, their music: the sounds and the vocals, their lyrics, their music videos. Basically, I love everything about them and their music. Usually I listen to a new song on repeat until I’m really fucking tired of it, and whenever I listen to it again, I feel that slightly tired-of-it feeling again. This is not the case with Gojira and this album.  I could listen to this forever.

Young Machetes

Image via Wikipedia

The thing with The Blood Brothers, particularly this album, is that I always discover something new with their songs. When I listen to a song for the first time I might not like it, but if I listen to it later, I might love it above all else. Their lyrics are freaking weird and surreal, always having a deeper meaning, and I love it! I felt heartbroken when I discovered that they had broken up and that I would never be able to see them live. I swore to my self that if they ever decided to do a live show again, I will fucking go to it, I don’t care if it’s on the moon, I will get there somehow.

By the way, if I were stranded on a deserted island, how the fuck would I get electricity to play these?

Tired Monday

15 Nov

I’ve been tired all day, and acting weird. Yeah, that’s me; acting weird when I’m tired. Jennie – being tired since 1992. I’m in a mood for really depressing songs about despair and misery, and the only one I can seem to find are Diamanda Galas version of Gloomy Sunday.

The Blood Brothers – You’re the Dream, Unicorn

9 Nov

This telepathic hangover gnaws the nipples off my neck.
Well, when you suck off those machine guns, mister, what do you expect?
I crawled through 60,000 yards of carnival graveyards,
witches with obscene riches chasing my mirage.
I’m the unicorn with tar teeth chewing spandex nightmares.
my spine’s a limousine that drives all night but never goes anywhere.
If I sang instead of screamed when you crushed me with your corvette
would you sell your jet for a microphone and record the opera of deathbeds?
Stare into the gruesome lights all night and never see a fucking thing.
Count weddings on our fingertips and wonder why our love’s so cheap.
Vegas, you’re my dream unicorn.

Summer dress, so apocalyptic.
In glossy treetops teens clap while they kiss.
In neon pastures pin-ups hook to your chest.
Out on the streets at night the money’s well spent.
And pissed-off babies turn to pissed-off children.