Tag Archives: school

Howdy, friend

30 Mar

I know I haven’t written in some time now. Yeesh, I’m bad like that. I can’t stick to something for a long time, I get tired. And besides, it’s not like my life is that exciting.

What I can tell you is that the evenings here on I will be occupied with finishing a project for school. We have something that we call projektarbete in school (project work). The class goes on for about one and a half year and you have to take a lot of responsibility yourself. And you get to choose what to do yourself. Some people start a little business, UF (ungt företangade = young business enterprise), which is encouraged. I choose to do an essay about cults, and the psychology behind them. It’s really interesting!

The french exchange student is having a birthday party and the theme is cowboys and Indians. This is going to be awesome!

I can also tell you that I’ve started to read some comics. Deadpool and Teen Titans. I fucking love Deadpool! And Tim Drake! And I love Deadpool’s love for zombies. I also recently watched a movie called The Fall, which I highly recommend if you like beautiful movies. The scenography is freaking awesome! I’ve never seen a movie that was as beautiful as this one.

Ain’t no rest for the wicked

24 Jan

Having to study while your head feels like it’s trying to get away from your body is not the best way to spend an evening. Though I have one test over, in philosophy, a bunch of stuff remains.  On Wednesday, in sports (p.e.) we’re going to do leg massage. What’s up with that?


17 Jan

Hell yeah, our test/exam in philosophy got moved to next week, which means I don’t have to study tonight. Which means I can watch a movie 🙂


And so, school starts again

11 Jan

Freaking tired! Although no where as tired I thought I would be. Been sleeping to 15.00 normally, and then all of sudden at 6 in the morning. Tomorrow I’m being in charge in Sports (p.e), I’m teaching Ultimate. Very nervous since I’ve never planned a sports lesson before, and most in my class have. Wish my good luck!

Christmas time is closing in on us

22 Dec

Today was the last day at school 😀 We were given candy by the school, and by our form-masters we were given gingerbread cookies, julmust and peppermint rock candy. Truly a Swedish pre-Christmas thing.

Not such a good day

16 Dec

Today, a friend and I were supposed to talk to another class about our trip to Ethiopia (one teacher would give us a grade on this) and we were supposed to do this an hour before school, 8 O’clock. That’s when I got a call from my friend asking me where I were. In my bed. So I barely made it to bus that would take me to school, so that I could get there in time for our ordinary lessons. I feel horrible, I made my friend go to school and hour before when she could have slept instead. I never oversleep, and it just had to be this day too! Life’s fucking hard!

Tiresome Tuesday

23 Nov

Tomorrow we have a day off from school, so I’m going to finish writing my Swedish speech and practice performing it.
Tuesday is going to be a horrible school day.
On Friday we only have one class. Meaning I get to wake up at 6 O’clock for a two-hour maths lesson.
And, by the way, it’s snowing A LOT here.

Snowing II

Weary Wednesday

17 Nov

Today we had something that roughly translated from Swedish to English means National Test/Exam in Swedish C writing… for 5 hours… of course you could leave when you were done, thank Buddha for that. I choose (you are allowed to choose from around 7 different subjects, I chose to write an article about body language and I wrote 8 pages. I tell you, my hand freaking hurt after writing constantly for 3 hours.


10 Nov

I am really freaking tired, but I have to study for an exam/test tomorrow. It’s on hydrocarbons and similar stuff.